Longshore Injury Compensation Lawyer for America

Longshore Injury Lawyers

Longshoremen play a vital role in the global economy, working hard to load and unload cargo ships at ports and harbors. Unfortunately, the physical demands of the job can lead to injuries and long-term health problems. If you are a longshoreman who has been injured on the job or is experiencing pain or discomfort due to your job duties, it may be time to consider hiring a longshore lawyer.

What is the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act?

The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA) is a federal law that provides benefits to longshoremen and other maritime workers who are injured on the job. Under the LHWCA, longshoremen who are injured on the job may be entitled to medical treatment, disability payments, and rehabilitation services. For questions on this call us at: 305-937-2700.

What to Do After an Accident:

If you are a longshoreman who has been injured on the job, it is important to take the following steps:

  1. Report the injury to your employer as soon as possible: Failure to report the injury within a certain time frame could jeopardize your ability to receive benefits under the LHWCA.
  2. Seek medical attention right away: Even if your injury seems minor, it is important to get checked out by a doctor to ensure that there are no underlying issues.
  3. Document everything: Be sure to keep detailed records of your injury, including the date, time, and circumstances surrounding the accident.
  4. Contact an experienced attorney: If your employer denies your claim for benefits under the LHWCA, or if you feel that you are not receiving the full benefits you are entitled to, it may be necessary to hire an attorney to fight for your rights. LHWCA is a specialized area of law, so make sure you Speak to someone that's experienced in the type of law.

Important rights you should know:

  1. Right to Medical Treatment: Injured longshoremen are entitled to medical treatment for their injuries. This includes the right to choose their treating physician, receive necessary medical evaluations, and have all reasonable and necessary medical expenses covered.

  2. Right to Compensation: Injured longshoremen may be entitled to compensation for wage loss due to their injuries. This includes temporary total disability benefits, permanent partial or total disability benefits, or scheduled awards for specific injuries.

  3. Right to Rehabilitation Services: If an injury impairs a longshoreman's ability to return to their former job, they may be entitled to vocational rehabilitation services. This includes job retraining, job placement assistance, and other services to help them re-enter the workforce.

  4. Right to File a Claim: Injured longshoremen have the right to file a workers' compensation claim under the LHWCA. This process involves submitting a written notice of injury and claim for benefits to the employer and the Department of Labor.

  5. Right to Representation: Injured longshoremen have the right to be represented by an attorney throughout the claims process. This can be crucial when navigating the complex legal procedures involved in workers' compensation claims.

  6. Right to Appeal: If a claim is denied or benefits are deemed insufficient, longshoremen have the right to appeal the decision. The appeal process can be initiated with the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) and may involve hearings before an administrative law judge or the Benefits Review Board.

  7. Right to Protection from Retaliation: Employers are prohibited from retaliating against longshoremen for filing a workers' compensation claim or testifying in a claim-related proceeding. This includes actions such as termination, demotion, harassment, or discrimination.

  8. Right to Privacy: Injured longshoremen have the right to privacy regarding their medical records and personal information. Employers and insurance companies must handle this information with care and only use it for legitimate purposes related to the claim.

  9. Right to Safe Working Conditions: Longshoremen have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment. Employers are responsible for providing proper training, equipment, and safety measures to protect workers from accidents.

Templer and Hirsch have helped longshoremen throughout the United States. We started helping out Longshoreman and eventually dedicated a large part of our law firm to longshoreman. Unlike other law firms, our Partnered Lawyers have an under 10 minute response time, as well as constant updates on your case & status. Contact us now at: 305-937-2700 for a free consultation!


If you are a longshoreman who has been injured on the job or is experiencing pain or discomfort due to your job duties, it may be time to consider hiring a longshore lawyer. Templer and Hirsch are experienced attorneys who specialize in longshore law and can help you navigate the workers' compensation process, fight for your rights, and represent you in court if necessary. Contact them at 305-937-2700 to schedule a consultation with a longshore lawyer today.

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